From: Tom Priddy Re: Info concerning mesonet weather sites and site forms Still interested in having a high quality, real-time Kentucky Mesonet weather station at your CES office, research farm or 4-H camp? Or, if you don't want your location to be a part of the Kentucky Mesonet of weather station sites, are you aware of other potential locations in your county, such as a park, a city water plant, other university grounds that would be a potential site? How about a farmer in your county? The Kentucky Mesonet Weather Station (WKU/NWS/UK) committee is looking for the best locations available to place weather stations across the state. Even if you're not sure of your site, the site survey group will check it out. Link to the CANDIDATE SITE IDENTIFICATION FORM: here. If you're interested in having a Kentucky Mesonet weather station located at your CES office, the above link to the Word document must be completed and returned to me.
Other info you may need or could be helpful... Click here for a list of positive and negative charerteristics of the potential weather site for the mesonet. Click here for a list of instructions to help complete the form. Click here to find out more about the KyMesonet. Email me the completed form as soon as possible. If you have additional questions, email me at: Or, phone me at: 859-257-3000 ext 245