Instructions for completing the form...
Section A is for the Site Contact Info...the county agents contact info
goes here. Provide your name, affiliation, office address, fax number
and email.

Only fill out the next section, Section B,  if Site Host Info is different than
the site contact. (Skip this section unless you know of a farmer that's
has 50' by 50'  of land with the above mentioned characteristics)

Section C is the Site Location Information. In this section you will provide
the latitude and longitude of your location, and the type of site (national
park, city water plant, county extension office, family residence, etc)

On page 2,

Section D.1 is for you to add a map to your site...I would suggest if you
have a link to a map on your County CES Web page....that you provide the
link to that map in the section D.1 Or, go to and paste
the link or the map to your county in this section.

Section D.2 is for the directions to your proposed site. You could
use the directions from your County CESWeb page....cut and paste
in section D.2 or put the link to those directions in section D.2

Section E is the General Site Descriptions.
In section E.1...include the Positive Characteristics of your site, such as....
Positive Points
o     Large grassy area
o     Away from buildings and paved surfaces
o     Public site offers long term stability
o     Potential for use as an outdoor classroom

In Section E.2....provide the negative characteristics of your site, such as....
Negative Points
o     Proximity to nearby trees on may become a concern
o     Poor access to AC power

Return the completed site form to me as soon as possible at: