County, KY Weather And Climate Synopsis

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36 Hr. Forecast Map
All Radar images NOAA/UKAWC
All Satellite images NOAA

County Hazardous Weather Outlook County Weather for Emergency Managers County Drought Status
Weather Summary County Ag Weather Advisory Hourly Observations Nowcast 7 Day Forecast Medium & Long Range Outlook
Precipitation Report Kentucky Climate Summary GIS Estimates Almanac Precision Ag., Lawn & Garden Forecast Historical Facts

Palmer Drought Index

Crop Moisture Index
Also see:

NWS: Calculated Soil Moisture.
UKAWC: NEW weather pages here...

A joint service of the UK Ag Weather Center and the National Weather Service.

Click here for UKAWC Point Agricultural, Lawn & Garden Forecast/Outlook in case of corrupt tables.
KY Round-up, Current Temperatures, Dewpoint, Rh, Wind, Regional Obs., Station Model, NWS Louisville
Meteograms: Paducah , Evansville , Bowling Green , Hopkinsville , Frankfort , Louisville , Lexington , Covington , Jackson , London , About Meteograms

Current Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Conditions in Kentucky
Based on observations at 1200pm EST, Saturday February 22, 2025

Across Kentucky...temperatures are near 31 degrees west, near 31 degrees central, and near 29 degrees east. Current sky conditions are cloudy west, cloudy central, and cloudy east. In the west, relative humidity is near 56%, and the dew point is near 17 degrees. In the central part of the state, relative humidity is near 61%, and the dew point is near 19 degrees. In the east, relative humidity is near 58%, and the dew point is near 16 degrees. Current drying conditions are fair west, fair central, and fair east. Winds are variable at 5 mph west, where conditions are favorable for spraying. The wind chill is near 26 degrees west. Winds are from the west at 5 mph central, where conditions are favorable for spraying. The wind chill is near 26 degrees central. Winds are variable at 3 mph east, where conditions are favorable for spraying. The livestock cold stress index is in the no stress category west, no stress category central, and no stress category east. Based on current available observations, the highest temperature is 37 degrees at Somerset. The lowest temperature is 28 degrees at Covington.

List of Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Observations in Kentucky

NWS Radar (NEW!), Bowling Green, KY Regional Radar,
Hazardous Weather Outlook For County
Hazardous report currently not available
NWS Severe Weather Map , Convective Outlook

Current FORECAST not available Day 1 Precip, Day 2, 5 Day Total, Days 1-5, ALL

Medium & Long Range Outlook For County, Kentucky
                 6 TO 10 DAY  8 TO 14 DAY   30 DAY    90 DAY 
                FEB 27-MAR 3  MAR 1-MAR 7    JUN       JUN-AUG                      
                 -----------  -----------  --------  ---------
   Temperature:      Below        Below                                            
 Precipitation:      Below        Above                                            

....  Medium and long range outlooks provided by NCEP/K. Thomas Priddy
TWC Jet, 15-Day Jet,Trend, Max/Mins
6 to 10 Day , 8 to 14 Day , Text, 30-Day Outook, 90-Day Outook, 120-Day Outlook

Additional Drought Info.: UKAWC Drought Page

Kentucky Climate Summary
Kentucky Climate Summary
For the Period 02-15-2025 to 02-21-2025

Temperatures for the period averaged 27 degrees across the state which was 12 degrees cooler than normal and 12 degrees cooler than the previous period. High temperatures averaged from 34 in the West to 37 in the East. Departure from normal high temperatures ranged from 16 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 12 degrees cooler than normal in the East. Low temperatures averaged from 18 degrees in the West to 21 degrees in the East. Departure from normal low temperature ranged from 12 degrees cooler than normal in the West to 6 degrees cooler than normal in the East. The extreme high temperature for the period was 75 degrees at BOWLING GREEN APT and the extreme low was -3 degrees at BRANDENBURG 4SW.

Precipitation (liq. equ.) for the period totaled 4.35 inches statewide which was 3.35 inches above normal and 436% of normal. Precipitation totals by climate division, West 5.30 inches, Central 4.84 inches, Bluegrass 3.50 inches and East 3.75 inches, which was 4.3, 3.74, 2.61 and 2.75 inches above normal. By station, precipitation totals ranged from a low of 0.85 inches at BOWLING GREEN APT to a high of 7.18 inches at BENTON 4N.

Kentucky Climate Summaries: Last day, Last 3 days, 7 days, 14, 21, 30, 60, 90 days
Yesterday's Weather Data, Kentucky Climate in Review

Almanac Information
Sunrise/Sunset/Moonrise/Moonset Computation (USN)
What the Moon looks like right now (USN)

On This Day In

Weather History...

The memorable "Cold Sabbath" in New England history. Many persons froze
extremities while going to church. (David Ludlum)
Although heat and dust prevailed in the spring and summer, early 1936
brought record cold to parts of the U.S. Sioux Center IA reported 42 inches
of snow on the ground, a state record. (20th-22nd) (The Weather Channel)
UKAWC Briefing Page

Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky