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Jefferson County, KY Weather And Climate Synopsis

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36 Hr. Forecast Map
All Radar images NOAA/UKAWC
All Satellite images NOAA

County Hazardous Weather Outlook County Weather for Emergency Managers County Drought Status
Weather Summary County Ag Weather Advisory Hourly Observations Nowcast 7 Day Forecast Medium & Long Range Outlook
Precipitation Report Kentucky Climate Summary GIS Estimates Almanac Precision Ag., Lawn & Garden Forecast Historical Facts

Soil Moisture Anomaly Loop

Current Spraying Conditions
Also see:

A joint service of the UK Ag Weather Center and the National Weather Service.

Kentucky State Forecast

Western KY:
Central KY:
Eastern KY:

Specific and detailed farm-by-farm weather forecast information is available in your
Point Ag Forecast. New County Ag Weather Page, Current Conditions:Kentucky, U.S.

USDA's Ag Weather:National Ag. Weather Outlook, International Ag. Weather Summary , Next Weather Event?
Current Surface Map, Regional, Composite, TWC, Yesterday's Highs, Lows ,
Upper Air

Regional Hourly Observations For JEFFERSON County, Kentucky
Issued at 900 AM EST THU JAN 23 2025
LOUISVILLE/SDF PTSUNNY   27   6  41 S7        30.23R WCI  19          
LOUISVILLE/LOU CLOUDY    25   8  48 S10       30.23R WCI  15          
FORT KNOX      NOT AVBL                                               

KY Round-up, Current Temperatures, Dewpoint, Rh, Wind, Regional Obs., Station Model, Surface 4-Panel, NWS Louisville
Meteograms: Paducah , Evansville , Bowling Green , Hopkinsville , Frankfort , Louisville , Lexington , Covington , Jackson , London , Shelby Co. Weather , Spindletop Research Weather Station , Woodford Co. Research Weather Station , About Meteograms

Current Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Conditions in Kentucky
Based on observations at 900am EST, Thursday January 23, 2025

Across Kentucky...temperatures are near 26 degrees west, near 24 degrees central, and near 22 degrees east. Current sky conditions are cloudy west, cloudy central, and sunny east. In the west, relative humidity is near 63%, and the dew point is near 15 degrees. In the central part of the state, relative humidity is near 50%, and the dew point is near 8 degrees. In the east, relative humidity is near 50%, and the dew point is near 6 degrees. Current drying conditions are fair west, fair central, and fair east. Tobacco stripping conditions are marginal west, unfavorable central, and unfavorable east. Winds are from the southwest at 6 mph west, where conditions are favorable for spraying. The wind chill is near 19 degrees west. Winds are from the southwest at 10 mph central, where conditions are favorable for spraying. The wind chill is near 14 degrees central. Winds are from the south at 6 mph east, where conditions are favorable for spraying. The wind chill is near 14 degrees east. The livestock cold stress index is in the no stress category west, no stress category central, and no stress category east. Based on current available observations, the highest temperature is 27 degrees at Louisville International. The lowest temperature is 21 degrees at Somerset.

List of Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Observations in Kentucky

Current NOWCAST not available:
Nowcasts are not issued routinely during fair weather. Only when
precipitation or other significant weather is occuring in this county will these
forecasts be issued. Currently, there is no short term forecast in effect.

UKAWC Radar, NWS Radar (NEW!), SPC Radar, Regional Radar, NEXRAD, LSI Heat Index
Hazardous Weather Outlook For JEFFERSON County, Kentucky
Issued at: Thu Jan 23 02:45:35 AM EST 2025

245 AM EST Thu Jan 23 2025 /145 AM CST Thu Jan 23 2025/

This Hazardous Weather Outlook is for portions of southern Indiana
and central Kentucky.

.DAY ONE...Today and tonight.

No hazardous weather is expected at this time.

.DAYS TWO THROUGH SEVEN...Friday through Wednesday.

No hazardous weather is expected at this time.


Spotter activation is not expected at this time.


More information, along with other weather, hydrological and
climate information can be found, at

NWS Severe Weather Map , Convective Outlook

RDF forecast not available NEW NWS Experimental Weather Activity Planner: West, Central, East
NWS Experimental Point Forecasts (5 km x 5 km grid for Kentucky): West, Central, East

JEFFERSON County, Kentucky Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Advisory

Updated: 310 AM EST THU NOV 12 2009


Max Temperature...........................61 degrees.
Precipitation (liq. eq. )...................0.00 inches (No rainfall).
Precipitation area .........................0% of the county expected.
Dewpoints.......................................29 to 34 Degrees.
Min RH (Relative Humidity).........37%.
Wind Speed....................................4 to 10 mph
Winds@3 PM..................................northeast at 10 mph
Spraying Conditions....................favorable
Sky Conditions @9 AM ...............mostly sunny.
RH < 50%........................................ for 7 hours
RH > 80%.........................................for 0 hour
No. of Hours Temp <=32 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 20 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 0 ...............0

The high today (6am-5pm) in Jefferson county, is expected to be near 61 degrees. No rainfall is expected. Temperature will range from near 39 to near 60 degrees. Dewpoints will range from 29 to 34 degrees. These dewpoints will combine with today (6am-5pm)'s temperatures resulting in relative humidity minimum of 37%. Skies will be mostly sunny at 9 AM and mostly sunny at 3 PM. Wind speed will range from 4 to 10 mph during the period. Winds at 3 PM will be out of the northeast at 10 mph, which is favorable spraying conditions in rain-free areas. Relative humidity will be less than 50% for 7 hours and greater than 80% for 0 hour


Min Temperature...........................38 degrees.
Precipitation (liq. eq. )...................0.00 inches (No rainfall).
Precipitation area .........................0% of the county expected.
Dewpoints.......................................near 34 Degrees.
Max RH (Relative Humidity)........76%.
Wind Speed....................................2 to 8 mph
Winds@3 AM..................................northeast at 3 mph
Spraying Conditions....................favorable
Sky Conditions @12 AM .............clear.
Sky Conditions @3 AM ...............clear.
RH < 50%........................................ for 1 hour
RH > 80%.........................................for 0 hour
No. of Hours Temp <=32 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 20 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 0 ...............0

The low tonight (6pm-5am) in Jefferson county, is expected to be around 38 degrees. No rainfall is expected. Temperature will range from near 41 to near 53 degrees. Dewpoints will be near 34 degrees. These dewpoints will combine with tonight (6pm-5am)'s temperatures resulting in relative humidity maximum of 76%. Skies will be clear at 12 AM and clear at 3 AM. Wind speed will range from 2 to 8 mph during the period. Winds at 3 AM will be out of the northeast at 3 mph, which is favorable spraying conditions in rain-free areas. Relative humidity will be less than 50% for 1 hour and greater than 80% for 0 hour


Max Temperature...........................64 degrees.
Precipitation (liq. eq. )...................0.00 inches (No rainfall).
Precipitation area .........................0% of the county expected.
Dewpoints.......................................34 to 42 Degrees.
Min RH (Relative Humidity).........41%.
Wind Speed....................................2 to 5 mph
Winds@3 PM..................................southeast at 3 mph
Spraying Conditions....................favorable
Sky Conditions @9 AM ...............mostly sunny.
Sky Conditions @3 PM ...............mostly sunny.
RH < 50%........................................ for 5 hours
RH > 80%.........................................for 2 hours
No. of Hours Temp <=32 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 20 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 0 ...............0

The high tomorrow (6am-5pm) in Jefferson county, is expected to be near 64 degrees. No rainfall is expected. Temperature will range from near 41 to near 64 degrees. Dewpoints will range from 34 to 42 degrees. These dewpoints will combine with tomorrow (6am-5pm)'s temperatures resulting in relative humidity minimum of 41%. Skies will be mostly sunny at 9 AM and mostly sunny at 3 PM. Wind speed will range from 2 to 5 mph during the period. Winds at 3 PM will be out of the southeast at 3 mph, which is favorable spraying conditions in rain-free areas. Relative humidity will be less than 50% for 5 hours and greater than 80% for 2 hours


Min Temperature...........................46 degrees.
Precipitation (liq. eq. )...................0.00 inches (No rainfall).
Precipitation area .........................0% of the county expected.
Dewpoints.......................................42 to 44 Degrees.
Max RH (Relative Humidity)........89%.
Wind Speed....................................2 to 3 mph
Winds@3 AM..................................south at 2 mph
Spraying Conditions....................favorable
Sky Conditions @12 AM .............mostly clear.
Sky Conditions @3 AM ...............mostly clear.
RH < 50%........................................ for 0 hour
RH > 80%.........................................for 3 hours
No. of Hours Temp <=32 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 20 .............0
No. of Hours Temp <= 0 ...............0

The low tomorrow night (6pm-5am) in Jefferson county, is expected to be around 46 degrees. No rainfall is expected. Temperature will range from near 47 to near 59 degrees. Dewpoints will range from 42 to 44 degrees. These dewpoints will combine with tomorrow night (6pm-5am)'s temperatures resulting in relative humidity maximum of 89%. Skies will be mostly clear at 12 AM and mostly clear at 3 AM. Wind speed will range from 2 to 3 mph during the period. Winds at 3 AM will be out of the south at 2 mph, which is favorable spraying conditions in rain-free areas. Relative humidity will be less than 50% for 0 hour and greater than 80% for 3 hours


The temperature is expected to be in the range from 38 degrees and 67 degrees. Dewpoints will range from 29 to 47 degrees. No measurable precipitation is expected.

Ag. Weather Forecast Parameter Maps:Spraying Conditions , Dewpoint Temperatures, Livestock Heat Stress

Extended Digital forecast not available
Current FORECAST not available TWC Forecast, NWS Maps, Fire Danger, Day 1 Precip, Day 2, 5 Day Total, Days 1-5
NGM 60 Hr Forecast Meteograms: Paducah , Evansville , Bowling Green , Hopkinsville , Frankfort , Louisville , Lexington , Covington , Jackson , London, All Kentucky Hourly Model Guidance, About NGM Forecast Meteograms

Kentucky Agricultural Weather Medium-Range Outlook (Based on the MEX Model)


- Click here for Graphical Ag. Weather Forecast -

Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints will range from (% to 0/ West, (% to 0/ Central, and (% to 0/ East throughout the day. Rainfall amounts of 0 inches over (F)% of the area West, 0 inches over (F)% of the area Central, and 0 inches over (F)% of the area East should be expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the day will start out and end in the West, start and end Central, and start out and end East. The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central, and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East. Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph , respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.

Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day. Rainfall amounts of 0 inches over 0/ % of the area West, 0 inches over 0/ % of the area Central, and 0 inches over 0/ % of the area East should be expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the day will start out and end in the West, start and end Central, and start out and end East. The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central, and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East. Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph , respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.

Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day. Rainfall amounts of 0 inches over 0 % of the area West, 0 inches over 0 % of the area Central, and 0 inches over 0 % of the area East should be expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the day will start out and end in the West, start and end Central, and start out and end East. The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central, and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East. Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph , respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.

Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day. Rainfall amounts of inches over 0/ % of the area West, inches over 0/ % of the area Central, and inches over 0/ % of the area East should be expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the day will start out and end in the West, start and end Central, and start out and end East. The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central, and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East. Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph , respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.

Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day. Rainfall amounts of inches over 0 % of the area West, inches over 0 % of the area Central, and inches over 0 % of the area East should be expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the day will start out and end in the West, start and end Central, and start out and end East. The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central, and East. There will be corn growing degree days West, Central, and East. Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph , respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.

Highs across the state will range from West and Central, to East. Dewpoints will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day. Rainfall amounts of inches over 0/ % of the area West, inches over 0/ % of the area Central, and inches over 0/ % of the area East should be expected. Lows Saturday will fall to West, Central, and East. Skies throughout the day will start out and end in the West, start and end Central, and start out and end East. The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central, and East.There will be corn growing degree days West, Central, and East. Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph, respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.

Raw Data: MEX(west), MEX(central), MEX(east)

* NOTE: See specific site Ag Wx Data and Summary files for further information.

Graphic Regional Ag. Weather Outlook, Tabular data for the Medium Range Outlook

Medium & Long Range Outlook For Kentucky
                 6 TO 10 DAY  8 TO 14 DAY   30 DAY    90 DAY 
                JAN 28-FEB 1 JAN 30-FEB 5    JUN       JUN-AUG                      
                 -----------  -----------  --------  ---------
   Temperature:     Normal        Above                                            
 Precipitation:      Above        Above                                            

....  Medium and long range outlooks provided by NCEP/K. Thomas Priddy
UKAWC 8 Day Forecast Maps, TWC Jet, 15-Day Jet,Trend, Max/Mins (80k)
6 to 10 Day , 8 to 14 Day , Text, 30-Day Outook, 90-Day Outook, 120-Day Outlook

PRECIPITATION is not available
List of Kentucky Weather Stations (1st Order & Ag. stations) Rainfall
UKAWC Regional Ag Weather Summary (Select Format): Spring , Summer , Fall

Drought Status For JEFFERSON County, Kentucky
(Based on the latest Palmer Drought Severity and Crop Moisture Indices)

Hydrological Drought (PDSI) Situation:

Current Long-term Hydrological Moisture Status: NEAR NORMAL           (PDSI=   0.18)
Rainfall Needed:  0.00 inches ABOVE NORMAL

Crop Moisture (CMI) Situation:

Current Short-term Crop Moisture Status: Favorable For Normal Growth And Fieldwork    (CMI=   0.17)
Change From Previous Week: DRIER      SOILS ( -0.08)

Note: Due to rainfall variability within each climate division, check Precip Reports/GIS Estimates and the Kentucky Climate Summary for the latest moisture information for this county.

Additional Drought Info.: UKAWC Drought Page

Kentucky CLIMATE summary not available.
Kentucky Climate Summaries: Last 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, 30 days
Yesterday's Weather Data, Kentucky Climate Analysis, Kentucky Climate in Review (2005)
Valid July 29, 2013

The GIS estimates are derived by ARC/INFO GIS software for a
central point in the county.  The estimates are calculated from
from 29 weather stations in the Kentucky area.

Precipitation Estimates

                     Last 3   Last 7   Last 14   Last 30     Since
                       Days     Days      Days      Days     Jan 1
Precip Total           0.03     1.89      2.16      5.77     28.78
Precip Deviation      -0.41     0.87      0.13      1.47      1.66

Temperature Estimates

                     Last 3        Last 7       Last 14       Last 30
                       Days          Days          Days          Days
Temp Average             71            74            79            77
Temp Deviation           -5            -2             3             1

Soil Temperature Estimates

Avg 4" Sod Soil Temp   	               76

European Corn Borer Degree Days Accumulations

Degree Days                      Forecasted Accumulations
      Total          550      610      750     1660     1740
       2140         5/10     5/13     5/21     6/28      7/1

Almanac Information
Sunrise/Sunset/Moonrise/Moonset Computation (USN)
Yesterday's Weather Observation Report:
(liquid equivalent based on 7PM to 7PM observations.)

The nearest available weather station for Jefferson County is Louisville:

                AIR TEMP
Bardstown        27  3    0.00
Berea            24  -6    0.00

Louisville       26  4    0.00
Yesterday's U.S. Highs, Lows , KY's Highs/Lows/Precip, Daily Weather Data, Hourly Weather Data
Historical Weather And Climate Facts For Today
The coldest day of the coldest month of record in the northeastern U.S. A
British Army thermometer in New York City registered a reading of 16
degrees below zero. During that infamous hard winter the harbor was frozen
solid for five weeks, and the port was cut off from sea supply. (David
The temperature at Prospect Creek AK plunged to 80 degrees below zero, the
coldest reading of record for the United States. (David Ludlum)
Strong winds ushered bitterly cold air into the north central U.S., and
produced snow squalls in the Great Lakes Region. Snowfall totals in
northwest Lower Michigan ranged up to 17 inches in Leelanau County. Wind
chill temperatures reached 70 degrees below zero at Sault Ste Marie MI and
Hibbing MN. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
Northeastern Colorado experienced its most severe windstorm in years. A
wind gust to 92 mph was recorded at Boulder CO before the anenometer blew
away, and in the mountains, a wind gust to 120 mph was reported at Mines
Peak. The high winds blew down a partially constructed viaduct east of
Boulder, as nine unanchored concrete girders, each weighing forty-five
tons, were blown off their supports. (National Weather Summary) (Storm
Low pressure brought heavy snow to Wyoming, with 18 inches reported at the
Shoshone National Forest, and 17 inches in the Yellowstone Park area.
Gunnison CO, with a low of 19 degrees below zero, was the cold spot in the
nation for the twelfth day in a row. (National Weather Summary) (Storm
A Pacific cold front brought strong and gusty winds to the northwestern
U.S. Winds in southeastern Idaho gusted to 62 mph at Burley. Strong winds
also prevailed along the eastern slopes of the northern and central
Rockies. Winds in Wyoming gusted to 74 mph in Goshen County. (National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
UKAWC Briefing Page

Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky