A joint service of the UK Ag Weather Center and the National Weather Service.
Kentucky State Forecast
Western KY:
Central KY:
Eastern KY:
Specific and detailed farm-by-farm weather forecast information is available in your Point Ag Forecast. New County Ag Weather Page,
Current Conditions:Kentucky , U.S.
USDA's Ag Weather:National Ag. Weather Outlook, International Ag. Weather Summary , Next Weather Event? Current Surface Map, Regional, Composite, TWC, Yesterday's Highs, Lows , Upper Air
KY Round-up,
Current Temperatures,
Regional Obs.,
Station Model,
Surface 4-Panel,
NWS Louisville
Paducah ,
Evansville ,
Bowling Green ,
Hopkinsville ,
Frankfort ,
Louisville ,
Lexington ,
Covington ,
Jackson ,
London ,
Shelby Co. Weather ,
Spindletop Research Weather Station ,
Woodford Co. Research Weather Station ,
About Meteograms
Current Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Conditions in Kentucky
Based on observations at 1200am EST, Wednesday January 22, 2025
Across Kentucky...temperatures are near 9 degrees west, near 2 degrees central, and near 5 degrees east. Current sky conditions are clear west, clear central, and clear east. In the west, relative humidity is near 64%, and the dew point is near -1 degrees. In the central part of the state, relative humidity is near 60%, and the dew point is near -9 degrees. In the east, relative humidity is near 72%, and the dew point is near -2 degrees. Current drying conditions are fair west, fair central, and fair east. Tobacco stripping conditions are marginal west, marginal central, and marginal east. Winds are calm west, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Winds are calm central, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Winds are from the northeast at 3 mph east, where conditions are favorable for spraying. The livestock cold stress index is in the emergency category west, emergency category central, and emergency category east. Based on current available observations, the highest temperature is 09 degrees at Paducah. The lowest temperature is -4 degrees at Frankfort.
List of Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Observations in Kentucky
Current NOWCAST not available:
Nowcasts are not issued routinely during fair weather. Only when
precipitation or other significant weather is occuring in this county will these
forecasts be issued. Currently, there is no short term forecast in effect.
UKAWC Radar,
NWS Radar (NEW!),
SPC Radar,
Regional Radar,
LSI Heat Index
NWS Severe Weather Map , Convective Outlook
RDF forecast not available
NEW NWS Experimental Weather Activity Planner:
NWS Experimental Point Forecasts (5 km x 5 km grid for Kentucky):
Ag. Weather Forecast Parameter Maps:Spraying Conditions , Dewpoint Temperatures, Livestock Heat Stress
Extended Digital forecast not available
Current FORECAST not available
TWC Forecast,
NWS Maps,
Fire Danger,
Day 1 Precip,
Day 2,
5 Day Total,
Days 1-5
NGM 60 Hr Forecast Meteograms:
Paducah ,
Evansville ,
Bowling Green ,
Hopkinsville ,
Frankfort ,
Louisville ,
Lexington ,
Covington ,
Jackson ,
London, All Kentucky Hourly Model Guidance,
About NGM Forecast Meteograms
Kentucky Agricultural Weather Medium-Range Outlook (Based on the MEX Model)
- Click
here for Graphical Ag. Weather Forecast -
Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints
will range from (% to 0/ West, (% to 0/ Central, and (% to 0/ East throughout the day.
Rainfall amounts of 0 inches over (F)% of the area West, 0 inches over (F)%
of the area Central, and 0 inches over (F)% of the area East should be
expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the
day will start out and end in the West, start and
end Central, and start out and end East.
The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central,
and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East.
Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph ,
respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.
Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints
will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day.
Rainfall amounts of 0 inches over 0/ % of the area West, 0 inches over 0/ %
of the area Central, and 0 inches over 0/ % of the area East should be
expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the
day will start out and end in the West, start and
end Central, and start out and end East.
The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central,
and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East.
Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph ,
respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.
Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints
will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day.
Rainfall amounts of 0 inches over 0 % of the area West, 0 inches over 0 %
of the area Central, and 0 inches over 0 % of the area East should be
expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the
day will start out and end in the West, start and
end Central, and start out and end East.
The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central,
and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East.
Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph ,
respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.
Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints
will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day.
Rainfall amounts of inches over 0/ % of the area West, inches over 0/ %
of the area Central, and inches over 0/ % of the area East should be
expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the
day will start out and end in the West, start and
end Central, and start out and end East.
The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central,
and East. There will be 0 corn growing degree days West, 0 Central, and 0 East.
Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph ,
respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.
Highs across the state will range from 0 West and 0 Central, to 0 East. Dewpoints
will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day.
Rainfall amounts of inches over 0 % of the area West, inches over 0 %
of the area Central, and inches over 0 % of the area East should be
expected. Lows Saturday will fall to 0/ West, 0/ Central, and 0/ East. Skies throughout the
day will start out and end in the West, start and
end Central, and start out and end East.
The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central,
and East. There will be corn growing degree days West, Central, and East.
Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph ,
respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.
Highs across the state will range from West and Central, to East. Dewpoints
will range from to 0/ West, to 0/ Central, and to 0/ East throughout the day.
Rainfall amounts of inches over 0/ % of the area West, inches over 0/ %
of the area Central, and inches over 0/ % of the area East should be
expected. Lows Saturday will fall to West, Central, and East. Skies throughout the
day will start out and end in the West, start and
end Central, and start out and end East.
The maximum livestock stress category will be West, Central,
and East.There will be corn growing degree days West, Central, and East.
Wind speeds in the morning and afternoon will be around and mph,
respectively, West, and mph Central, and and mph East.
Raw Data: MEX(west),
* NOTE: See specific site Ag Wx Data and Summary files for further information.
Graphic Regional Ag. Weather Outlook, Tabular data for the Medium Range Outlook
Medium & Long Range Outlook For Kentucky
6 TO 10 DAY 8 TO 14 DAY 30 DAY 90 DAY
----------- ----------- -------- ---------
Temperature: Normal Normal
Precipitation: Normal Above
.... Medium and long range outlooks provided by NCEP/K. Thomas Priddy
UKAWC 8 Day Forecast Maps, TWC Jet, 15-Day Jet,Trend, Max/Mins (80k) 6 to 10 Day , 8 to 14 Day , Text, 30-Day Outook, 90-Day Outook, 120-Day Outlook
PRECIPITATION is not available
List of Kentucky Weather Stations (1st Order & Ag. stations) Rainfall
UKAWC Regional Ag Weather Summary (Select Format):
Spring ,
Summer ,
Additional Drought Info.:
UKAWC Drought Page
Kentucky CLIMATE summary not available.
Kentucky Climate Summaries:
Last 3 days,
7 days,
14 days,
21 days,
30 days
Yesterday's Weather Data, Kentucky Climate Analysis, Kentucky Climate in Review (2005)
GIS ESTIMATES not available
Almanac Information
Sunrise/Sunset/Moonrise/Moonset Computation (USN)
Yesterday's Weather Observation Report:
(liquid equivalent based on 7PM to 7PM observations.)
The nearest available weather station for County is :
Bardstown 18 7 0.00
Berea 14 -1 0.00
Bowling Green 21 7 0.00
Bristol 24 10 0.01
Buckhorn Lake 13 3 0.00
Cape Girardeau 20 7 0.00
Campbellsville 15 1 0.00
Covington 13 0 0.00
Cumberland Gap 20 8 0.01
Dix Dam 13 -1 0.00
Evansville 18 5 0.00
Glasgow 16 2 0.00
Grayson 18 2 0.00
Hardinsburg 17 4 0.00
Henderson 16 5 0.00
Huntington 15 4 0.00
Jackson 14 3 0.00
Lexington 14 0 0.00
London 17 2 0.00
Louisville 18 6 0.00
Mayfield 20 6 0.00
Nashville 23 8 0.00
Nolin Lake 14 -2 0.00
Paducah 22 8 0.00
Princeton 19 5 0.00
Quicksand 15 6 0.00
Somerset 14 -2 0.00
Spindletop 0 0 0.00
Williamstown 12 -2 0.00
Yesterday's U.S. Highs,
Lows ,
KY's Highs/Lows/Precip,
Daily Weather Data,
Hourly Weather Data
Historical Weather And Climate Facts For Today
Chinook winds during the early morning hours caused the temperature at
Spearfish SD to rise from 4 below zero to 45 above in just two minutes, the
most dramatic temperature rise in world weather records. An hour and a half
later the mercury plunged from 54 above to 4 below zero in twenty-seven
minutes. (David Ludlum)
A winter storm spread snow from central Mississippi through northern
Georgia to New England. Up to 15 inches of snow fell across the heavily
populated areas of Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. Traffic tie-ups nearly
paralyzed the Washington D.C. area. Winds gusted to 76 mph at Chatham MA,
and in Pennsylvania, snowfall totals ranged up to 21 inches at Dushore.
Williamsport PA received five inches of snow in just one hour. (National
Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
The nation was free of winter storms for a day, however, winds in southern
California gusted to 80 mph in the Grapevine area of the Tehachapi
Mountains, and winds along the eastern slopes of the Rockies reached 100
mph in the Upper Yellowstone Valley of Montana. (National Weather Summary)
(Storm Data)
Low pressure brought heavy rain and gale force winds to Florida. Daytona
Beach was drenched with 5.48 inches of rain in 24 hours to establish a
January record for that location, and winds at Titusville FL gusted to 63
mph. (National Weather Summary) (Storm Data)
It was a very tame and peaceful mid winter day. Mild weather prevailed
across the nation, with rain and snow primarily confined to the
northeastern U.S. and the Pacific Northwest. Warm weather continued in
Florida. Highs of 83 degrees at Hollywood and 85 degrees at Miami were
records for the date. (National Weather Summary)
UKAWC Briefing Page
Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky