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Results of the KMET Survey

This page has the results of the KMET survey that was handed out at the Task Force meeting.

NUMBER OF SURVEYS COMPLETED: 12 of the 35 people who attended completed the survey

ORGANIZATIONS: The organizations who completed surveys are:
Paducah National Weather Service
Jackson National Weather Service
Louisville National Weather Service
Wilmington National Weather Service
Kentucky State Police
Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Kentucky Division of Water (NERPC)
Kentucky Division of Forestry
Daniel Boone National Forest
Kentucky Department of Transportation
United States Geological Survey

QUESTION 1: Which subcommittees would you be willing to serve on?:
Telecommunications: 3 J. Booth, M. Griffin, G. Anderson
Sensors: 3 M. McLane, J. Earnest, G. Anderson
Site Selection: 4 J. Hovis, M. Lewis, M. McLane, M. Parker
Computer: 1 M. Callhan
Education: 3 J. Hovis, M. Lewis, E. Thomas
Undecided: 5

QUESTION 2: What use would your organization potentially have from a mesonet?:

QUESTION 3: Does your organization have weather stations?: 8 yes
How many?: Yet to be determined

QUESTION 4: How often is the data collected?:

QUESTION 5: What sensors would you like to see on the mesonet?:

QUESTION 6: What communication system is used to collect the data?:

Please send questions/comments about this web page to: emaxwell@ca.uky.edu
Last Updated: July 5, 2000