Highs across the state will range from 36 degrees to 34 degrees with temperatures around 36 degrees North , around 36 degrees Central, and around 34 degrees South . Maximum dewpoints will vary from 41 degrees to 47 degrees with minimum dewpoints varying from 32 degrees to 37 degrees. The temperatures and dewpoints will create minimum relative humidities ranging from 80% to 95%. Precipitation will range in areal coverage from 80% to 90% with North having 90% coverage, Central having 80% coverage, and South having 90% coverage. Precipitation amounts will vary with North receiving 0.25-0.49 inches, Central receiving 0.25-0.49 inches, and South receiving 0.10-0.24 inches. Average wind speeds will range from 10 mph to 12 mph with maximum wind speeds of 16 mph. Sky conditions at 2:00 p.m. will be cloudy North , cloudy Central, and cloudy South . There will be 0 hours of generally favorable spraying conditions North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South . Due to temperatures and relative humidities, there will be 0 hours of livestock heat stress for North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South . The heat index will be above 100 degrees for 0 hours North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South . There will be 0 hours of generally favorable tobacco bulking and handling conditions North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South .

Lows across the state will range from 25 degrees to 27 degrees with temperatures around 25 degrees North , around 27 degrees Central, and around 26 degrees South . Maximum dewpoints will vary from 31 degrees to 35 degrees with minimum dewpoints varying from 25 degrees to 29 degrees. The temperatures and dewpoints will create maximum relative humidities ranging from 90% to100%. Precipitation will range in areal coverage from 60% to 80% with North having 80% coverage, Central having 60% coverage, and South having 60% coverage. Precipitation amounts will vary with North receiving 0.01-0.09 inches, Central receiving 0.01-0.09 inches, and South receiving 0.10-0.24 inches. Average wind speeds will range from 12 mph to 16 mph with maximum wind speeds of 17 mph. Sky conditions at 2:00 a.m. will be cloudy North , cloudy Central, and cloudy South . There will be 0 hours of generally favorable spraying conditions North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South . The leaf wetness hours from dew formation will range from 0 hours North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South .

Highs across the state will range from 38 degrees to 35 degrees with temperatures around 35 degrees North , around 38 degrees Central, and around 37 degrees South . Maximum dewpoints will vary from 26 degrees to 29 degrees with minimum dewpoints varying from 25 degrees to 26 degrees. The temperatures and dewpoints will create minimum relative humidities ranging from 80% to 90%. Precipitation will range in areal coverage from 10% to 30% with North having 30% coverage, Central having 20% coverage, and South having 10% coverage. Precipitation amounts will vary with North receiving 0.01-0.09 inches, Central receiving 0.01-0.09 inches, and South receiving 0.01-0.09 inches. Average wind speeds will range from 9 mph to 12 mph with maximum wind speeds of 15 mph. Sky conditions at 2:00 p.m. will be cloudy North , cloudy Central, and cloudy South . There will be 0 hours of generally favorable spraying conditions North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South . Due to temperatures and relative humidities, there will be 0 hours of livestock heat stress for North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South . The heat index will be above 100 degrees for 0 hours North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South . There will be 0 hours of generally favorable tobacco bulking and handling conditions North , 0 hours Central, and 0 hours South .

* NOTE: See specific site NGM Ag Wx Data and Summary files for further information.