About GIS in the UK College of Agriculture

The GIS homepage is an attempt to provide a comprehensive view of GIS in the College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky and the world. Appreciation is extended to the organizations and Universities that have provided information in this compendium. The GIS homepage was produced by Ms. Susan Ware, staff member in the Ag. Weather Center.

GIS is an acronym for geographic information systems, the computer technology for managing, manipulating and analyzing geographic spatial data. Researched for decades, practical use of GIS has been made possible just in the last few years by astounding advances in computers. GIS is much more advanced than computer-aided design (CAD) or any other spatial data system, with applications appearing wherever geographically distributed information is used and that's almost everywhere in business, University and government sectors. In the UK College of Agriculture, GIS software and computer access is available in the Agricultural Weather Center in Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering to assist research, extension and teaching to utilize this new tool in Kentucky.

Contact the Ag. Weather Center at (606)257-3000 Ext. 206.