Synopsis:(use ROT's to discuss surface and upper air weather trend)
Today:(include sky condition, temperature, wind speed/direction, precip/precip type)
Tonight:(include sky condition, temperature, wind speed/direction, precip/precip type)
Tomorrow:(include sky condition, temperature, wind speed/direction, precip/precip type)
Tomorrow Evening:(include sky condition, temperature, wind speed/direction, precip/precip type)
Short-Term Precipitation Summary: Times, Types, Amounts and Relative Humidity Max/Mins:
(Short discussion of POP, time of frontal passage, when precip will start/end, stability/instability, type of precip , RH and dewpoint temps)
Extended Outlook:(include expected weather trend for day 3 thru day 5)
6 to 10 Day Outlook:(Provide categorical weather trend from 6 to 10 outlook)