On This Day In Weather History...

The Louisville weather office moved from the corner of Main and Bullitt 
streets to the corner of Fourth and Green streets, in the Courier-Journal 
Office Building. (NWS Louisville)
A tornado hit Jackson MS killing 54 persons. (David Ludlum)
A coastal storm produced 25 inches of snow at Elizabeth City NC, and 30
inches at Cape Hatteras NC. At Miami FL the mercury dipped to 32 degrees.
(Sandra and TI Richard Sanders - 1987)
The last of a series of storms to strike the California coast finally came
to an end. Waves fifteen to twenty feet high pounded the coast for two
days, and in a four day period up to 18 inches of rain drenched the Los
Angeles and Santa Barbara area. On the morning of the first, thunderstorms
spawned two tornadoes which moved through the Los Angeles area. (Storm
A record crest was set on the Licking River at Blue Licks Spring in 
Kentucky with a stage of 47.6 feet. A record crest was also set on the 
South Fork Licking River at Cynthiana with a stage of 28.53 feet. (NWS 

Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky