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Reeves County County, TX Weather and Climate Synopsis

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REEVES COUNTY County, Texas Agriculture, Lawn & Garden Weather Advisory

Click here for UKAWC Point Agricultural, Lawn & Garden Forecast/Outlook in case of corrupt tables.
Ag. Weather Forecast Parameter Maps:Spraying Conditions , Dewpoint Temperatures, Livestock Heat Stress

Hourly Observations For REEVES COUNTY County, Texas
300 PM CDT WED MAY 08 2024

PRSMN GAP BBNP   N/A     96  20   6 SW13      29.72F                  
GUADLPE MTN NP   N/A     76  21  13 W18G44    29.84S                  

All Texas Hourly Weather Obs.

Current Agricultural Weather Conditions in Texas
Based on observations at 300pm CDT, Wednesday May 08, 2024

Across Texas...temperatures are near 75 degrees north, 87 degrees west, near 89 degrees central, near 88 degrees east and 87 degrees south. Current sky conditions are sunny north, sunny west, mostly sunny central, not available east and sunny south. In the north, relative humidity is near 13%, and the dew point is near 21 degrees. In the west, relative humidity is near 8%, and the dew point is near 19 degrees. In the central part of the state, relative humidity is near 60%, and the dew point is near 74 degrees. The heat index is near 98 degrees central. In the east, relative humidity is near 66%, and the dew point is near 75 degrees. The heat index is near 97 degrees east. In the south, relative humidity is near 8%, and the dew point is near 19 degrees. The livestock heat stress category is no stress north, no stress west, danger central, danger east and no stress south. Conditions are hazy central. Winds are from the west at 13 mph with gusts at 28 mph west, where conditions are not favorable for spraying due to strong winds. Winds are from the south at 8 mph central, where conditions are favorable for spraying. Winds are unavailable east. central. central, where conditions are favorable for spraying.

Current Temperatures, Dewpoint, RH, Wind, Surface 4-Panel

Current FORECAST not available 12-48 Hr Surface Forecast Maps, TWC 4-Panel Surface Forecast, Fire Danger, Day 1 Precip, Day 2 Precip, Days 1-5 Precip, Severe Weather Pot.-Day 1, Day 2

Medium & Long Range Outlook For Texas

                              N TEXAS                                                                     
                 6 TO 10 DAY  8 TO 14 DAY   30 DAY    90 DAY 
                   MAY 14-18    MAY 16-22    JUN       JUN-AUG                      
                 -----------  -----------  --------  ---------
   Temperature:      Above        Above                                            
 Precipitation:      Above       Normal                                            

....  Medium and long range outlooks provided by NCEP/K. Thomas Priddy
                              S TEXAS                                                                     
                 6 TO 10 DAY  8 TO 14 DAY   30 DAY    90 DAY 
                   MAY 14-18    MAY 16-22    JUN       JUN-AUG                      
                 -----------  -----------  --------  ---------
   Temperature:      Above        Above                                            
 Precipitation:      Above       Normal                                            

....  Medium and long range outlooks provided by NCEP/K. Thomas Priddy
                              W TEXAS                                                                     
                 6 TO 10 DAY  8 TO 14 DAY   30 DAY    90 DAY 
                   MAY 14-18    MAY 16-22    JUN       JUN-AUG                      
                 -----------  -----------  --------  ---------
   Temperature:      Above        Above                                            
 Precipitation:     Normal       Normal                                            

....  Medium and long range outlooks provided by NCEP/K. Thomas Priddy
5 Day Rainfall Forecast, 6 to 10 Day , 8 to 14 Day , Text, 30-Day Outook, 90-Day Outook, 120-Day Outlook
Historical Weather And Climate Facts For Today

A deadly hailstorm in South Carolina hit the town of Winnsborough. The
hailstones, measuring as much as nine inches in circumference, killed
several persons, and a great number of sheep, lambs and birds. (David
A freak spring storm produced heavy snow from southern Indiana to New
England. The storm made sleighing possible in Massachusetts, but also
ruined shade trees in Philadelphia. (David Ludlum)
A light rainshower in Winnipeg dropped a mixture of rain and black ants on 
the city. Most of the black ants were the size of huge wasps.
The Dallas/Fort Worth area experienced its worst hailstorm of record as
baseball to grapefruit size hail, accompanied by 100 mph winds, caused
nearly 200 million dollars damage. Hail accumulated eight inches deep at
Cedar Hill TX. (The Weather Channel)
... 2003...
A tornado (F0) occurred in Breckinridge County along a one mile long path. 
Numerous adult trees were uprooted in the Hoosier National Forest by an F1 
tornado in Perry County. (NWS Louisville)

Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky