Burley Curing Advisory for kentucky Counties

Burley Curing Advisory for Kentucky Counties

*** Under development ***

Proper curing of burley tobacco depends as much on management and facilities
as it does on the weather. Each year there are good and bad periods of curing
weather; overall, the natural air curing in Kentucky and surrounding states
produces high quality burley tobacco. The following Advisory gives real time
guidance on curing management based on many years of curing studies and
experiences by the Authors and others cited in the references.
Link for pub: Curing Burley Tobacco
Link for pub: Burley Curing Technology

Duncan-Walton Burley Curing Advisory for Kentucky Counties, based on
the following ambient weather conditions provided by NOAA and KyMesonet:

Simply select County/Station and then press the "Submit Choice" button.


The Burley Curing Advisory (BCA) will not be available after Oct. 31, 2012 and will return next curing season on July 20, 2013

Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky