Stability of the Atmosphere

Showalter Index (SI)

The SI is based on the properties of the 850 and 500 mb levels. The SI is calculated by lifting a parcel dry adiabatically from 850 mb to its LCL, then moist adiabatically to 500 mb, and comparing the parcel versus environmental 500 mb temperatures similar to the LI. The SI may be better than the LI in showing instability aloft given a shallow low-level cool airmass north of a frontal boundary. However, the SI is an unrepresentative index and inferior to the LI in showing instability if the low-level moisture does not extend up to the 850 mb level.

     SI  = T(500 mb envir) - T(500 mb parcel)      in degrees C.

 SI over 0: Stable, but weak convection possible for SI = 1-2 if strong lifting is present.
 SI =  0 to -3: Moderately unstable.
 SI = -4 to -6: Very unstable.
 SI below -6:  Extremely unstable.

 Generally, SI values will not be quite as unstable as LI values (except for the case of shallow low-level cool air discussed above).

Source: NWS

Other UKAWC Stability Indices:
Lifted Index (LI) K-Index CIN Showalter Index SWEAT Total Totals

Ag Weather Center, Department of Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, University of Kentucky